A Word From Karen...

“And God commanded the man, saying, You may freely eat of every tree in the garden, but you shall not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. For in the day you do, you shall die” (Gen. 2:16-17).

What is a prognostication and how does that affect us?  Prognostication in the Hebrew language is the word “nachash” meaning “serpent.”  To prognosticate means that you foretell from signs and symptoms.  When you prognosticate you make a prediction.  A prognostication is a false prophecy that defiles the one who believes it.  The Hebrew word “serpent” means to learn through divination.  Whether we know it or will admit it, when we prognosticate we are practicing divination.  In the medical field, a Harvard Medical School report says that prognostications equal death.

Have you ever heard the LORD tell you that he was going to heal you, then upon visiting a doctor, the doctor’s report does not line up with what God said.  The effects of a prognosis are created by your coming into agreement with (very real) natural symptoms rather than with God’s Word.  This is a report I recently heard on the Suzanne Hinn prayer line: a pastor was diagnosed with Covid-19 and admitted to the hospital.  His condition became worse and worse, until the hospital told his wife they needed to pull the plug.  She refused to receive the prognostication and stood firmly on the word of God that her husband would be healed.  She demanded his treatment continue.  Shortly after her decision, his “deadly” condition miraculously turned around and he walked out of the hospital a healed man.

We can see an example of receiving a prognostication in Gen. 3:1. “Now the serpent was more subtle and crafty than any living creature of the field, which the Lord God had made.  And he [Satan] said to the woman, Can it really be that God has said, You shall not eat from every tree of the garden?”  She proceeds to tell the serpent all the instructions given to her by God.  The serpent counters and adds one word.  He says to her, “You shall NOT surely die” (Gen. 3:4).  By adding the word “NOT,” a prognostication is created.  By adding any foreign word or words to God’s Word, we create mixture.

From an ancient Hebrew perspective, the word “not” (lo) can mean, “To have what you are are- without.” 1

Think on this for a moment.  Eve had everything she needed.  She had the ability to eat of the TREE OF LIFE.  She had everything called good.  She and Adam were created in the image of God, and until her encounter with the serpent, enjoyed the bliss of the God-man relationship.  The moment she was tempted and led away from truth, the word NOT caused her to now be without.  She was created whole, but because of believing a prognostication, a different state was created, the state of “without.”  By receiving a prognostication, we cancel the truth and enter into a state called “without.”

The serpent, the master prognosticator is daily looking to get all of us to mix good with evil which always results in evil (death).  The only way to keep good mixed with good is to obey every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.  A prognostication is a lie straight from the serpent’s mouth tempting you to mix good with evil.  The end result is death.  Even Harvard Medical School confirms that prognostications equal death.

Once we receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, we are set free the law of sin and death and receive the law of the Spirit of life.  (Rom. 8:2)  When we receive a prognosis, we are receiving information from the law of sin and death, and are actually pronouncing a death sentence on ourselves.

If we will repent of speaking or receiving prognostications and instead receive God’s truth, we will once again mix good with good and will be restored to everlasting life.  “Therefore this is what the LORD says: “If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me” (Jeremiah 15:19).

With love in Jesus,



1. Benner, Jeff, AHLB, Published 2005 by College Station, Tx. 77842, US. 2005. Print

Picture of Karen Johnson

Karen Johnson

Senior Pastor Olive Tree Connection

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