What We Believe

Statement of Central Theology

We Believe In:

(1) The eternal existence of one God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
(2) The inherent deity, eternal pre-existence, miraculous conception, virgin birth, total humanity, sinless life, atoning death, glorious resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ (Messiah Yeshua).
(3) The infallible authority of the whole Bible as the inspired Word of God for faith and instruction in righteousness.
(4) The establishment of doctrine for faith, practice, government, and discipline on the New Testament.
(5) The gospel of the kingdom as the gospel of the Bible preached from both the Old and New Testaments.
(6) Justification by faith alone in the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the only means of personal righteousness.
(7) Water baptism as an outward sign of inward grace.
(8) In the celebration of holy communion (the Lord’s Supper).
(9) The inherent brotherhood of the Christian community through the grace covenant of Jesus Christ. (Messiah Yeshua).
(10) The prophetic restoration of the church, the body of Christ, throughout the world to biblical principles in preparation for the second advent of Jesus Christ the Lord.
(11) The prophetic restoration and salvation of the nation of Israel in the last times.
(12) The resurrection of the dead to give immortality to both the dead and the living saints at Messiah’s appearing.