A Word From Karen...

“But now are they many members, yet but one body”
(I Cor. 12:20)

We can learn much about the Kingdom of God and the structure of the church by looking at the human body.  First the natural, then the spiritual.  There are 12 physical systems in the human body designed to work together in unity to keep the body healthy.  If one part of the body suffers, the whole body suffers.

The number 12 symbolizes authority, power, and governmental foundation.

If you are called to leadership in any capacity, you know that establishing order has to be one of your highest priorities.  Our God is a God of order, as we see in the very beginning.  The earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep.  God moved to bring order out of chaos.  That is the way God moves.  That is the way Yeshua operated on the earth.  Order brings great creativity and blessing.  If we detest order, we embrace disorder.  And disorder can bring us into tyranny.  If we are in disorder, we are in some fashion suffering.


Around the years 1997 and 1998, I had a divine visitation that seemed to last for months.  I was teaching in the conference room at Trinity Broadcasting Network in Hendersonville, TN.  Something supernatural happened that changed the course of my life.  I was being called into an understanding of the Hebraic in combination with the realm I loved, known as the prophetic.  I went through an internal struggle that is hard to put into words.  Leaders around me could not figure out what was happening to me, and frankly I myself didn’t know either.  Then the Lord in His mercy connected me with a mentor who was an anointed world-wide scholar and expert in Hebrew and a believer in Yeshua.

I needed to learn a new way of thinking.  I was being restored to the “Ancient Paths”.  To this day, I’m still studying, learning, practicing and being restored to this mode of thinking.  It is very different from the way most of the Body of Christ understands The Word, known as the Western way of thinking.  This “new” way of thinking and studying The Word brings a new life to living as a child of God.  Because this way of understanding is so different to our culture, it may cause a separation from those we love mainly because it requires a high personal price.

When my children were very young, I did not know these things.  By the time I was delving into this new world, they were becoming teenagers.  That means that the way of living I was learning was lost to them in their formative early years.  God, in his mercy, restores everything lost.  If you are reading this and you have young children, you now have an introduction to the hope of teaching them the most accurate biblical education and family structure that will cause them to prosper and become forever successful.

About the human body, if one of the 12 systems is out of order, the body becomes sick, weak and diseased.  Not understanding God’s structure for the word has the same effect on body and soul.

Being in ministry and talking with seasoned ministers, I’ve found that almost every one of them is saying essentially the same thing.  “The body of Christ in America has become very fractured and sick.”  Instead of walking forward in the knowledge of God, in faith, hope, victory and destiny, too many are opting for years of counseling.

God is restoring patterns and living structures.  The 1st Century Church was patterned after the home.  The question today is, “What is going on in my home?”

Here is a quote from Rabbi Hayim Halevey Donin.  “And if the home is weak emotionally, morally and spiritually, all else will soon mirror that weakness.”

Being called to Pastor, oversee and lead a people is a serious matter.  This morning, I felt an overwhelming seriousness regarding the education of God’s people, the restoration of Ancient Paths and His perfect structures.  This sense brought me to my knees with tears and supplication.  After taking communion, the heaviness lifted.  The Lord is serious about His order.  This is not a good time for any of us to practice any rebellion against the authority of God or those he has set in authority.

“Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.  But they said, We will not walk therein. (Jer. 6:16)

Lord, please show us your ways, your living structures, your paths.



Picture of Karen Johnson

Karen Johnson

Senior Pastor Olive Tree Connection

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