A Word From Karen...

“But I am a worm, and no man”

(Psalm 22:6)

The Scriptures teach us deep and profound truth and can be revealed by the study of the natural world.  May we take the time necessary to search out the natural things that reveal to us the Kingdom of God and the Messiah.  What we may consider insignificant in the earth is not viewed from Heaven in the same way.  Everything has a purpose.  “However, the spiritual didn’t come first.  The natural precedes the spiritual” (I Cor. 15:46).

Psalm 22 and The Worm

Psalm 22, written by the Prophet David, is a prophetic Psalm shown fulfilled in Mt.27.  Psalm 22 reveals the Messiah in His suffering (cruxificion) and in His glory.  Psalm 22:6 has revelation of what happened on the cross through the study of a worm, yes, a worm.  The Hebrew word used here for “worm” (tola’ath) (Strong’s 8438) means specifically, a Crimson Worm.

We need to go below its surface meaning to find the mystery in the word “worm.”

I discovered this information, written by Marian Cain that I wanted to share with you to see the majesty and brilliance of the Lord.

“The crimson worm [coccus ilicis] is a very special worm that looks more like a grub than a worm. When it is time for the female or mother crimson worm to have babies (which she does only one time in her life), she finds the trunk of a tree, a wooden fencepost, or a stick. The mother crimson worm then attaches her body to that wood and makes a hard crimson shell. She is so strongly and permanently stuck to the wood that the shell can never be removed without tearing her body completely apart and killing her.

The mother crimson worm then lays her eggs under her body and the protective shell. When the baby worms (or larvae) hatch, they stay under the shell. Not only does the mother’s body give protection for her babies, but it also provides them with food – the babies feed on the living body of the mother!

After just a few days, when the young worms grow to the point that they are able to take care of themselves, the mother crimson worm dies. As the mother crimson worm dies, she oozes a crimson or scarlet red dye which not only stains the wood she is attached to, but also her young crimson worms. They are colored scarlet red for the rest of their lives. After three days, the dead mother crimson worm’s body loses its crimson color and turns into a white wax which falls to the ground like snow.” 1



The Lord is calling His people back into an intimate and personal relationship, perhaps more than ever before.  He longs to reveal himself to us through what he has placed in the natural world.

Through the Prophet Isaiah He says “Even a dumb ox instinctively knows its owner and the stubborn mule knows the hand that feeds him, but Israel does not know Me, nor do My people understand Me” (Is. 1:2-3)TPT.

“Come now and let’s deliberate over the next steps to take together” (Is. 1:18).  “Though your sins stain you like scarlet, I will whiten them like bright, new-fallen snow!  Even though they are deep red like-crimson, they will be made white like wool!” (Is.1:19)TPT

The Lord has created everything we see in the natural to reveal His love, forgiveness, covenant, desire for intimacy and mercy over His judgment.

The Messiah paid the ultimate price to reconcile us back to the Father.

May we sincerely return unto Him. May we love and obey His every Word with no human filters or human whiteners used to adjust His Word to better fit our earthly lives. May we humbly give him the honor and respect due his name for dying on the cross for our freedom.



  1. fyi) the crimson worm blood: Blood to Snow by Marian Cain
Picture of Karen Johnson

Karen Johnson

Senior Pastor Olive Tree Connection

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