Message March 9, 2014

A Word From Karen...


“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2

I must say, although I listened to this week’s message by CD, I could feel the charge in the atmosphere that was being released!  Karen’s message this week challenged us to lean in to the transforming power available to us through Christ so that we can take our places, step into the current and fulfill our destinies. We were encouraged not to allow ourselves to be conformed to this world and its likeness but to actively participate in the transforming of our minds.  Karen took us into the revelation of the seven mountains of society that was given to Loren Cunningham and Bill Bright in 1975.  This revelation from God presents that there are seven mountains, or spheres of influence that make up the whole system of this world.  We, as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, have the duty to take our place on the mountain(s) that we have been called to.  Karen presented Lance Wallnau’s revelation that there are two schools of thought as we endeavor to take mountains for the Kingdom: quantitative vs. qualitative.  We must resist the American church mindset to simply gather souls into the church (quantitative).  We must, instead, endeavor to change nations (qualitative).  Seek the Lord and ask Him what mountain(s) YOU are called to?

The seven mountains of society* are:

  1. Church/Religion
  2. Education
  3. Family
  4. Government
  5. Media
  6. Arts/Entertainment
  7. Business/Finance

*Loren Cunningham, Bill Bright and Lance Wallnau are cited in Karen’s message for their works on the seven mountains of society.

Next, we journeyed into 1Kings 17:9-16, the story of the widow woman who gave of her last provision to Elijah and watched the miracle power of God multiply what she had seen as lack.  This story provides an example of how our thoughts can be transformed and our thinking reversed to see God’s possibility in any situation.  Karen’s use of the metaphor of God’s miracle power as a “current” of electricity provided a clear understanding of this story.  We learned that voltage is needed to drive electricity forward to accomplish a task.  The prophet was acting as the voltage and the power of God was as the electricity.  The woman needed to present herself as the conductor so the plan of God could come to pass.  We must learn to take something raw and make it functional.  Electricity (God’s power) is all around us and once we identify it (believe) and harness it (act in faith) we will see the miracle happen before us.  We must see through the good eye (ayin tov) and refuse to see through the evil eye (ayin rah).  These two Hebraic concepts more specifically speak of generosity vs. greed.  When you see with the good eye you are of a giving mindset.

We truly are created in the image of THE Creator.  In Genesis 1 we see that the Earth was without form and was indeed dark.  What are the things in you that are dark and without form?  With you as a conduit, the Creator can make form, beauty and the miraculous!  May we harness the power available to us through Christ Jesus and focus/release this power into our circumstances as the widow in 1 Kings did.  May provision multiply, mountains be conquered and hope restored in our midst.  Hear the clarion call over your life, “CHARGE!”


Karen began our corporate worship this week by reading an excerpt from a book by James Goll and other contributors entitled, The Lost Art of Pure Worship ( ).  She chose a segment by Julie Myer that told the story of a congregation in Singapore where Julie had been invited to lead worship.  The pastor warned Julie that the congregation would sing so exuberantly that the volume would overtake the sound of their instruments because they were filled to overflowing with oil as the five wise virgins in Matthew 25.  This week the Lord led Karen to simply play one song and no more.  The people raised their voices louder than ever before.  There is indeed a pressing in taking place in our midst for intimacy in worship.  I can sense this desperation growing swiftly and believe that there will indeed be an overflowing of oil in our midst.  The King will be enthroned in our midst as we offer up abandoned praise!

Dance Revolution

This week, Lily Perdue, a youth member of Olive Tree Connections, presented a dance piece as a worship and a declaration in our Sunday service.  She danced to the song, Behold the Lamb by Kirk Franklin.  Lily shared with me that this dance was very raw and emotional because she once performed this piece with a close friend of hers that passed away a couple of years ago.  She was brought to tears as she brought glory to the Lord and honored the memory of her friend, Patrick.

Lily’s passionate presentation and free style always sends a shock wave into the congregation.  Lily has been dancing since she was seven years old and has served on several dance teams, choreographed and led teams.  In this new season, Lily’s dance team is called, Revolution.  The team is in its beginning stages and for now, Lily is enjoying a season as a solo dancer.  We have all watched her develop her gifts and step into her calling as a worship dancer.  At the age of ten, Lily received a prophecy and impartation from Prophet Kim Clement.  She was called up to the platform and it was spoken that she would receive the same mantle as Kim Clement and move mightily in the areas of dance and music.  We look forward to watching Lily step out further into this calling and change lives through her art form.

Respectfully submitted,

Natallie Forstman

Picture of Karen Johnson

Karen Johnson

Senior Pastor Olive Tree Connection

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