A Word From Karen...

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls” (Matt. 11:29) KJV

As we are winding down from the very productive year 2021, I realize how much my body, soul and spirit need to understand the depths of what rest actually is.

Though we may understand the concept of and the lessons we have heard about Sabbath rest, we may still need to ask ourselves some hard questions about our dedication to taking a rest.

The world vies for our attention 24 hours a day. There is no end of possible interruptions, such as demands of daily schedules, business pressures, ministry pressures, internet problems to solve, media, routine work duties  and the busyness of everyone else around us who depend on us.

Are we brave enough to say NO to every demand that robs us from a full 24 hour period of total obedience to the Lord, including a period of refreshment, of edification, of intimacy with our God, of intimacy with our families, of refreshment for our soul, body and spirit all of which cause us to be re-created?

As I sat down to briefly write this email, I heard the words, “Let my people rest.”

There is much to learn regarding a Sabbath rest. An email message cannot begin to do justice to the magnitude of information regarding the Sabbath.

The Sabbath began at the very beginning of time. It is man’s foretaste of Heaven. The Sabbath is an appointed time of the LORD.  When studying the Feasts of the LORD in Leviticus 23:3, the first feast is the weekly Sabbath. Sabbath means to cease and desist from routine exertion. It can also mean to celebrate. The Sabbath is a sign of the Covenant.  In the Hebrew alphabet, the letters for Sabbath are Shin, Beth and Tav meaning: “Return To Covenant.”  I know from experience that a true Sabbath will bring a new level of energy and refreshment to our mind, body and soul unlike anything else can, if we will enter into it.

There is a famous quote from Benjamin Franklin that says: “He that can take rest is greater than he that can take cities.” —Benjamin Franklin

In study, I have discovered 7 different types of rest that we need:

  • Physical rest
  • Sensory rest
  • Emotional rest
  • Mental rest
  • Creative rest
  • Social rest
  • Spiritual rest

Even if we did not believe that observing a Sabbath is an important command of God, we can never diminish the truth that this is a day ordained by God from the beginning, as a gift to us.  If we fall short and fail to keep a Sabbath rest, the Sabbath still remains; however, we exclude ourselves from the blessings that were prepared for us at that time.

I pray that in the year 2022, we all discover the hidden gift and secrets contained in the weekly Sabbath.

With love,



Stay in tune with what we are doing throughout the week. 
1 (267) 807-9605. Access Code: 167848#.

Tuesday – Every Tuesday night at 6:00 p.m. CST, the OTC intercessors and friends gather by phone to pray for our church, families, other ministries and for Israel.  If you wish to participate, call our NEW conference number at 1 (267) 807-9605. Access Code: 167848#.  Our prayer group moderator tonight is Minister Sandy Dulaney.

Wednesday – We will be gathering this Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. CST for a time of worship, praise and Hebraic studies led by Pastor Karen Johnson and Co-Pastor Patrick Johnson.  Please invite a friend.

Our phone line is open for those who want to attend the gathering by phone.  To join our meetings by telephone, call our conference number at 7:30 p.m. CST to join us.  The conference number is 

Sunday – Please join us this Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m., with Pastor Karen Johnson and Co-Pastor Patrick Johnson.  We have been gathering at 10:10 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings before the service to pray.  Please join us and bring your shofars.  

Our phone line is open at 11:30 a.m. CST for those who want to attend the gathering by phone.  Call our NEW conference number at 1 (267)807-9605.  Access Code 167848#.

Please visit our website at olivetreeconnections.com Click “Contact Page” to view our team of ministers and list of phone numbers.



Picture of Karen Johnson

Karen Johnson

Senior Pastor Olive Tree Connection

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