A Word From Karen...

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”

(Matt. 28:19)


Beginning in January, our Wednesday night gatherings at OTC will become a Hebraic School of the Spirit. More information will follow as we get closer to the beginning of the new year.


The Messiah Jesus’ last Words before He departed to the Father, were to go and TEACH all nations. (Matt. 28:19)  “To teach” means that we the teachers are producing students; however, this message concerns more than simply teaching a subject.  In the Hebrew language, the word for students/disciples (plural) is “Talmidim”.  Disciples of Yeshua are called Talmidim- a word that comes from the Hebrew root “lamad” which means “to learn”.

Jesus told His students (disciples) to go and teach all nations how to be observant (of God’s ways).  A student must have a teacher.  A student must not only study the subject matter presented, but also study his or her teacher and their manner of life.  Every teacher must train their students to walk in the ways of the Messiah, learn the Words of the Messiah, practice the traditions of the Messiah and then raise up other students.

Jesus said to go and teach all nations, and teach them to observe. If we are practicing being observant, this means we are guarding the Word, as if to put a fence around it.  Being observant means we are being watchmen over the Word itself.  Watchmen over the Words of the LORD are men and women who store (as treasures) the Words in their memory.  As we treasure the Words, we guard them and …. do them!


According to Ecclesiastes 12:9-14, a teacher must be wise and impart knowledge to the people.  The teacher must research, ponder and set in order many proverbs.  The Teacher has to seek the exact, right words, and what the teacher says has to be upright and true.  The words of the wise originate from one Shepherd.  Like goads, their collected sayings are as firmly embedded nails in a rod of correction used by the one true Shepherd.  “Be warned my son, of anything in addition to them [God’s Words].  Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body. Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter:  Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man” (Eccl. 12:12-14). In other words, study and observance of what one learns is what makes a person whole.


The Lord calls one who is a good student a “God fearer; a trembler of the word.”  The LORD says in Isaiah 66:2 that the person He esteems (looks at, scans and has respect for) is one who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at His Word.  David was called a man after God’s own heart, a God fearer and trembler and even asked the LORD to be as a goad in his own life.  (Ps. 119:112) A goad is a farming implement used to guide and spur livestock in order to keep them moving in the direction and at the pace the shepherd chooses.  This is what the words of a good teacher will do for a student – keep them moving.  “Tremblers at God’s Words reject the ideas of assimilating into their society, becoming acculturated to their society and reforming their faith to fit their society.” If we are true God “tremblers” we will believe that the Word of God is for every nation and people and for all times.  If we are good students, we will continue to study His Word thoroughly and learn how to perform it as He directs.


If we are unwilling to listen to the instructions of the Lord through His Word, He calls us rebellious children.  The Word of the LORD through the prophet Isaiah says, “These are rebellious children, deceitful children, children unwilling to listen to the LORD’s instruction.  That say to the seers, ‘See no more visions!” and to the prophets, “Give us no more visions of what is right!  Tell us pleasant things, prophesy illusions.  Leave this way, get off this path, and stop confronting us with the Holy One of Israel!” (Isaiah 30:9-10). Stay far from such people.

My prayer for the congregants (students) of Olive Tree Connections, both here and abroad, is that the LORD will give us all a burning desire to learn to study Him through a proper education in His word.  My personal prayer and heart’s desire is to be the good teacher to help all who hear me accomplish this.

Much love,


  1. Karl Coke, Ph.D., The Timothy Program, “How To Study.”


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Picture of Karen Johnson

Karen Johnson

Senior Pastor Olive Tree Connection

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