A Word From Karen...

“… That ye may not become slothful, but followers of those who through faith and patient endurance are inheriting the promises”

(Heb. 6:12) (YLT)


We are not in an unexpected or unusual situation or circumstance at Olive Tree Connections. Weeks before the tornado hit, I taught on Job, Divine Restraining Orders, Idols, Fear and Endurance. Remember the Apostle James said:

“Behold, we count them happy which endure. You have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the LORD; that the LORD is very pitiful, and of tender mercy” (KJV).

I was given a dream a couple of weeks ago that a tornado hit my back deck, but was unsuccessful in destroying the foundation. Ten days later, a real tornado hit the building that is home to OTC.

You can say truthfully, we have now begun the “great adventure.” Through these trying types of situations, God reveals the hearts of men. I have been through many trials and storms in my life and I know that God is working all things together for HIS good. (Rom. 8:28) In the natural, the building we use has been virtually untouched by a deadly tornado. That is a miracle in itself.  Though not recognized by the carnal man, we know God spared the building and everything in it. Although our part of the building is fine, we are not allowed to inhabit it due to significant damage to adjoining buildings. We don’t yet know how this story is going to end.

We are rejoicing right now. On Sunday, one of our congregants opened up their beautiful and spacious home to the church. It was such a glorious day as the anointing was strong and the atmosphere beautiful. Now and always, I ask you to focus on what we do have and what God IS doing, rather than focusing on what we believe we DON’T have.


As we heard Sunday, we are to add to our faith, 7 things. (2 Peter 1:5-7). Those 7 things determine whether or not we can see afar off. If we lack one of those 7 listed things, we are blind (mentally blind). To be considered blind means we are high-minded and lifted up with pride. These 7 things must be growing within us. One of the things Peter says that we must add to our faith is patience.  Without patience abounding within us, we are considered blind.  This is sobering.  What does “patience” have to do with where we stand right now as a church?

As I have been seeking the face of God daily as the Shepherd of OTC, I received a word from the Spirit of the LORD on December 18, 2023.

Here is the word:
“Then Moses went up into the mountain, and the cloud covered the mountain.

The glory of the Lord rested on Mt.Sinai, and the cloud covered it for six days. On the seventh day [God] CALLED to Moses out of the midst of the cloud” (Exod. 24:15-16) (Ampc)

The LORD speaks when He decides to speak. We must stay before HIM and wait for his voice. Moses was waiting for the LORD to speak. In the waiting time, I highly doubt he was dissatisfied as he stood in the “Presence of the LORD.”

We are entering a new era. Where the LORD is leading us, it is to our benefit to go. There are no man-made no shortcuts, detours or time-saving approaches to get to this place. We are walking it out by the day. As I know, I will let you know as soon as I can.

Know this, as a Shepherd I am not relaxing my grip. I am watching and waiting for instructions.

With love,


Picture of Karen Johnson

Karen Johnson

Senior Pastor Olive Tree Connection

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