A Word From Karen...

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but the longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” ( Prov. 13:12) (TLV)


There is nothing more grieving and weakening to a believer’s life than to desire to see God’s promises come to pass, yet see no fruit in the present. To have to prolong hope year after year can have an effect on the body, soul and spirit, weakening the person to the point where they become sick and/or feel seriously wounded.

No one understood this situation better than Hannah, one of the wives of Elkanah (I Sam. 1:2).  Delayed expectation can literally make your heart sick (Prov. 13:12).  When there is a delay, one of the dangers that can arise is the temptation to blame shift. One may blame the LORD, their husband, wife, parents, pastors, leaders or children.

Hannah’s story challenges us to focus on God, rather than the anticipated fulfillment of our desires. Elkanah was not responsible for Hannah’s inability to conceive. It was the LORD Himself who had shut up her womb (I Sam. 1:5). This caused her tremendous grief and led to the wounding of her spirit. “The spirit of a man will nourish his sickness, but a wounded spirit who can bear?” (Prov. 18:14).

Let Hannah’s story bring you much hope in whatever season you are. Please take special note. The provocation of the adversary caused her to move fully into the presence of the LORD. She conquered her bitterness through her confession and the emptying out of her wounded soul. Her adversary was in fact, a door into her next season. Her total focus, her directed intention toward the LORD and not on her lack, moved the heart of the Father. She went from barrenness to having her womb opened bearing the gift of an expectant child. She not only gave birth to one of the most powerful prophets who ever lived (Samuel), she was blessed with 5 other children.


Having received what she asked of God caused her to rejoice and decree that her mouth was now “enlarged over her enemies” (I Sam. 2:1). The enlargement came because of the rejoicing in her victory. Hannah’s prayer was also spoken by Mary in Luke 1:47.

This is my prayer for all who read this letter. May you step into your place of “enlargement” and see much fruit. May your hope deferred now become your hope realized.

Blessings and love,

Karen J

Picture of Karen Johnson

Karen Johnson

Senior Pastor Olive Tree Connection

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