A Word From Karen...

“My child, will you treasure my wisdom? Then, and only then, will you acquire it?” (Prov. 2:1) TPT

Searching for wisdom is the only way to acquire it.  This search is a daily, personal responsibility of each child of God.  God’s wisdom is to be treasured.  To find wisdom, we MUST search for it, literally cry out for it.  Wisdom is a gift from a loving Father; every Word He speaks is full of revelation designed to make our futures more bountiful.  As we search for wisdom, we will discover it is a fountain of understanding placed deep within us.  Wisdom originates in a storehouse in Heaven and is made accessible to all who love the LORD.

Once we discover wisdom, we will discover all that is just, proper and fair.  Having wisdom will empower us to make the right decisions for the situation at hand.  Having made right decisions, we can then begin to walk in our destiny.  If we will choose to follow God’s counsel (wisdom), divine design will watch over us and understanding will protect us from making poor choices.  Wisdom will rescue us from evil in disguise.

Today, let us come before the LORD.  May we choose to get quiet before the LORD so that we can tune into Heaven and clearly hear God’s voice.  If any lack wisdom and want to be wise, ask God for wisdom; He promises to give it to us.  He will never view our present lack of wisdom as an opportunity to scold us over our failures.  He will, instead, overwhelm our failures with His generous grace and give us a plan (wisdom) to not repeat our folly.

We will know when we have found wisdom because it is always pure, filled with peace, considerate and teachable.  It is filled with love and never displays prejudice or hypocrisy in any form.  It always bears the beautiful harvest of righteousness.

The Lord holds in His hands living-understanding, courage, and strength (wisdom).  They are all ready and waiting for us today!

With love, 



All information taken from The Passion Translation. Proverbs 2, 8 and James 3.

OCT. 3, 2021-3:00 p.m.

“…Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38).

Co-Pastor Patrick Johnson will once again be baptizing any of you who desire to make that commitment this upcoming Sunday at 3:00 p.m. at Lock 4 in Gallatin, Tenn.  Baptism was adopted by Jesus Christ and deemed an ordinance of the church, (John 3:22, Matt. 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16).

Please contact us at: 615-351-5669 for directions.


The following information was taught to me by my mentor, Dr. Karl Coke regarding baptism.


When a person immerses himself in water, he places himself in an environment where he cannot live. Were he to remain submerged for more than a few moments, he would die from lack of air.  He is thus literally placing himself in a state of non-existence and non-life.  Breath is the very essence of life, and according to the Torah, a person who stops breathing is no longer considered among the living.  Thus when a person submerges himself in a Mikveh, he momentarily enters the realm of the non-living, so that when he emerges he is like one reborn.”


We look forward to seeing all of you on Sunday to witness this glorious event.

With love,


28- Oct. 3, 2021.

Stay in tune with what we are doing throughout the week. 


If you are interested in reading any of our email blasts from the past years, please visit the Olive Tree Connection web site, olivetreeconnections.com and click “Blog,” on the front page.

TuesdayEvery Tuesday night at 6:00 p.m. CDT, the OTC intercessors and friends gather by phone to pray for our church, families, other ministries and for Israel.  If you wish to participate, call our NEW conference number at 1 (267) 807-9605. Access Code: 167848#.  Our prayer group moderator tonight is Minister Sandy Dulaney.

WednesdayWe will be gathering this Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. CDT for a time of worship, praise and Hebraic studies led by Pastor Karen Johnson and Co-Pastor Patrick Johnson.  Please invite a friend.

Our phone line is open for those who want to attend the gathering by phone.  To join our meetings by telephone, call our conference number at 7:30 p.m. CDT to join us.  The conference number is

SundayPlease join us this Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m., with Pastor Karen Johnson and Co-Pastor Patrick Johnson.  We have been gathering at 10:10 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings before the service to pray.  Please join us and bring your shofars.

Co-Pastor Patrick will be baptizing all who are interested this Sunday, at 3:00 pm., Lock 4, Gallatin, Tn. 37066.  If you need directions, please call 615-351-7923.

Our phone line is open at 11:30 a.m. CDT for those who want to attend the gathering by phone.  Call our NEW conference number at 1 (267)807-9605.  Access Code 167848#.

Please visit our website at olivetreeconnections.com Click “Contact Page” to view our team of ministers and list of phone numbers.



Picture of Karen Johnson

Karen Johnson

Senior Pastor Olive Tree Connection

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